[Tutor] infix to postfix exponent handling
Quiles, Stephanie
2015-08-01 18:01:27 UTC
My assignment calls for the program to be edited to handle the “^” symbol. the hint is that it should be done with just one line of code. Here is the assignment:
Modify the infix-to-postfix algorithm to handle exponentiation. Use the ^ symbol as the input token for testing.

Q-14: Modify the infixToPostfix function so that it can convert the following expression: 5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)

Here is the code :

class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.items = []

def isEmpty(self):
return self.items == []

def push(self, item):

def pop(self):
return self.items.pop(0)

def peek(self):
return self.items[0]

def size(self):
return len(self.items)

def infixToPostfix(infixexpr):
prec = {}
prec["^"] = 3
prec["*"] = 3
prec["/"] = 3
prec["+"] = 2
prec["-"] = 2
prec["("] = 1
opStack = Stack()
postfixList = []
tokenList = infixexpr.split()

for token in tokenList:
if token in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" or token in "0123456789":
elif token == '(':
elif token == ')':
topToken = opStack.pop()
while topToken != '(':
topToken = opStack.pop()
while (not opStack.isEmpty()) and \
(prec[opStack.peek()] >= prec[token]):

while not opStack.isEmpty():
return " ".join(postfixList)

print(infixToPostfix("5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)"))
print(infixToPostfix("( A + B ) * C - ( D - E ) * ( F + G )”))

this is the lien that i added:

prec["^"] = 3

i also replaced the infixtopostfix to the problem:

("5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)”))

here is the error I am getting :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/stephaniequiles/Downloads/Listings/listing_3_7.py", line 53, in <module>
print(infixToPostfix("5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)"))
File "/Users/stephaniequiles/Downloads/Listings/listing_3_7.py", line 45, in infixToPostfix
(prec[opStack.peek()] >= prec[token]):
KeyError: '(4'

Process finished with exit code 1

Please advise. not sure where i am failing with this


Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Danny Yoo
2015-08-01 20:56:16 UTC
Post by Quiles, Stephanie
("5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)”))
File "/Users/stephaniequiles/Downloads/Listings/listing_3_7.py", line 53, in <module>
print(infixToPostfix("5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)"))
File "/Users/stephaniequiles/Downloads/Listings/listing_3_7.py", line 45, in infixToPostfix
KeyError: '(4'
Ok. The immediate problem you are seeing here actually has nothing to do with
exponentiation, but with a lower-level issue.

Answering the following two questions should help you figure out
what's going on.

Given the string:

"5 * 3 ^ (4 - 2)"

1. What do you expect the list of tokens to be? Say concretely what
you expect it to be.

2. What does your program think the list of tokens is?
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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