Post by richard kapplerAnd this will repeatedly open the file, append one line, then close it
again. Almost certainly not what you want -- it's wasteful and
potentially expensive.
And I get that. It does bring up another question though. When using
the file being appended is opened and stays open while the loop iterates,
then the file closes when exiting the loop, yes?
The file closes when exiting the *with block*, not necessarily the loop.
with open(blah blah blah) as f:
for line in f:
# file isn't closed until we get here
Even if the file is empty, and there are no lines, it will be held open
for two minutes.
Post by richard kapplerDoes this not have the
potential to be expensive as well if you are writing a lot of data to the
Er, expensive in what way?
Yes, I suppose it is more expensive to write 1 gigabyte of data to a
file than to write 1 byte. What's your point? If you want to write 1 GB,
then you have to write 1 GB, and it will take as long as it takes.
Look at it this way: suppose you have to hammer 1000 nails into a fence.
You can grab your hammer out of your tool box, hammer one nail, put the
hammer back in the tool box and close the lid, open the lid, take the
hammer out again, hammer one nail, put the hammer back in the tool box,
close the lid, open the lid again, take out the hammer...
Or you take the hammer out, hammer 1000 nails, then put the hammer away.
Sure, while you are hammering those 1000 nails, you're not mowing the
lawn, painting the porch, walking the dog or any of the dozen other jobs
you have to do, but you have to hammer those nails eventually.
Post by richard kapplerf1 = open("output/test.log", 'a')
f1.write("this is a test")
f1.write("this is a test")
f1.write('why isn\'t this writing????')
monitoring test.log as I went. Nothing was written to the file until I
closed it, or at least that's the way it appeared to the text editor in
which I had test.log open (gedit). In gedit, when a file changes it tells
you and gives you the option to reload the file. This didn't happen until I
closed the file. So I'm presuming all the writes sat in a buffer in memory
until the file was closed, at which time they were written to the file.
Correct. All modern operating systems do that. Writing to disk is slow,
*hundreds of thousands of times slower* than writing to memory, so the
operating system will queue up a reasonable amount of data before
actually forcing it to the disk drive.
Post by richard kapplerIs that actually how it happens, and if so does that not also have the
potential to cause problems if memory is a concern?
No. The operating system is not stupid enough to queue up gigabytes of
data. Typically the buffer is a something like 128 KB of data (I think),
or maybe a MB or so. Writing a couple of short lines of text won't fill
it, which is why you don't see any change until you actually close the
file. Try writing a million lines, and you'll see something different.
The OS will flush the buffer when it is full, or when you close the
file, whichever happens first.
If you know that you're going to take a long time to fill the buffer,
say you're performing a really slow calculation, and your data is
trickling in really slowly, then you might do a file.flush() every few
seconds or so. Or if you're writing an ACID database. But for normal
use, don't try to out-smart the OS, because you will fail. This is
really specialised know-how.
Have you noticed how slow gedit is to save files? That's because the
gedit programmers thought they were smarter than the OS, so every time
they write a file, they call flush() and sync(). Possibly multiple
times. All that happens is that they slow the writing down greatly.
Other text editors let the OS manage this process, and saving is
effectively instantaneous. With gedit, there's a visible pause when it
saves. (At least in all the versions of gedit I've used.)
And the data is not any more safe than the other text editors,
because when the OS has written to the hard drive, there is no guarantee
that the data has hit the platter yet. Hard drives themselves contain
buffers, and they won't actually write data to the platter until they
are good and ready.
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