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Hi, thanks for checking the code.
I'm trying to figure all your comments and update my code properly.
Post by Alan GauldPost by Sage Hack
The thing that jumps out to me is your use of class variables to hold a
dictionary of instance responses based on the instance ID.
Normally you'd store instance specific data in the instance
itself not in a class variable.
I need to cache results since they all come from network requests.
That's how I thought would work.
called 3 time will only fetch the same result the first time.
With all my descriptor classes, it's possible that the same request come
up and I can't control the input of carry the data properly.
In my case let's say 2 Targets() share the same hostname, I don't want
to fetch the IP twice and there two class instances so keeping the data
in the instance would not work.
I guess I don't understand why you have two Targets with the same hostname?
Thats what seems strange. If you do need multiple instances pointing at the
same host and yet also need access to all responses then a class variable
is probably correct. But the initial assumption of multiple instances
a host is what I'd question.
Could you use a single instance, perhaps storing them in a dictionary keyed
by host? Or store the instances in the class variable so that when you try
to create a new instance you get the original back (more elegant but
to code)
Post by Alan Gauldalso you overwrite the
classvariable entry for each instance every time you call
the get(). Is that really what you want?
I do not understand this comment
Your class variable dictionary is keyed by the id. so every time you
set it you lose the previous entry for that id. From what you say above
that may be what you want. I had assumed you were trying to store
the history of responses, but it appears you just want the latest..
The other thing is that you should have docstrings for
both the classes and methods.
Trying looking up doc to understand docstrings but failed :P Look
complicated hehe.
No, its very easy, just create an anonymous triple quoted string:
def foo():
''' here is a doc string instead of a comment, it tells you what
the function is for, and what it returns.'''
# function code here
Finally, and not Python specific, You have several classes
sharing the same 'ID' data - self.domain - that's usually
a bad OOP smell. Only one class should be mastering any
given type of data, so maybe your other classes are
really methods of whichever is the master class? Particularly
since they don't have any explicit methods (also a bad OOP
smell) of their own.
I should explore that indeed. I'll see what I can see.
Post by Alan GauldThere is not much point in calculating the id each time,
it could simply be set in the init(). You never change
the url or host.
That's true. I changed id. Good tip.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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