[Tutor] Tkinter
The Dildoge Gamer
2015-08-24 20:31:22 UTC
First off, i dunno if im doing this right. Anyway, in tkinter, im making a
program to store statistics, attributes, ect, and whenever you press a
button labled "Add Attribute" it created a new text box, you have an
unlimited number of text boxes to use. The problem is; they all have the
same name, so the text you type in one of them is copied to all of the
others. My question: How do i make a value go up by one when a button is
clicked, and how do i treat somethings name(The something being the new
attribute you add) as a property, so that when a new one is made, its name
is "Att" and then whatever the value equals. Kinda like if you say -

HiDerr = "Hai"

Hue = "Hue"

print(HiDerr + Hue)

But with tkinter and GUI parts, or whatever you'd like to call it. Thanks.
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Alan Gauld
2015-08-25 00:22:37 UTC
Post by The Dildoge Gamer
unlimited number of text boxes to use. The problem is; they all have the
same name, so the text you type in one of them is copied to all of the
others. My question: How do i make a value go up by one when a button is
clicked, and how do i treat somethings name(The something being the new
attribute you add) as a property, so that when a new one is made, its name
is "Att" and then whatever the value equals. Kinda like if you say -
You really shouldn't do that. It gets awfully complicated very quickly.

Instead, use a list to store these text box references. You can then
access them using an index into the list.

Something like

textBoxes = []
newTB = TextBox(...)
textBoxes[3].insert(END,'Fourth text box')

Alternatively you could use a dictionary and give each text
box a string or numeric key. But in this case I suspect a
list is a better fit for your situation.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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