[Tutor] python help
Cary Developer
2015-07-06 14:24:43 UTC
I am looking for help on getting started with Python. This link says it


Any help (and response to the CL post) would be truly appreciated. Thanks.


Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Alan Gauld
2015-07-06 20:42:23 UTC
Post by Cary Developer
I am looking for help on getting started with Python. This link says it
It would be more helpful to post the content of the query, not
all mail subscribers can access web pages at the time of reading
the mail.
Post by Cary Developer
Any help (and response to the CL post) would be truly appreciated. Thanks.
Since you are experienced in web development and PHP/SQL you should go
straight to the official Python tutorial.

It will take you through the basics in a few hours - less than a full
day for sure.

You could then look at the Django tutorial if you want to go down the
web route. (Other frameworks exist - lots of them - but Django is
powerful, and very popular and has good support from its own community)

Python 3.4 is the preferred version for newbies these days unless
you know that your target framework/toolset only runs on v2

If you have more specific questions ask here...
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Mark Lawrence
2015-07-06 20:52:16 UTC
On 06/07/2015 15:24, Cary Developer wrote:

Post by Cary Developer
I am looking for help on getting started with Python.
You've come to the right place, that's always a good start.
Post by Cary Developer
Any help (and response to the CL post) would be truly appreciated. Thanks.
For someone with programming experience try this

Anybody suggesting to you starting with Django before they've learnt
basic Python needs a really good psychiatrist, although I understand
that they're rather more expensive in the USA than the UK :)
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Matt Williams
2015-07-06 21:09:10 UTC
Personally I would start with Python 2.7, and start with simple scripts.

The standard library in Python is very "wide", and having a good
understanding of what is already there is very useful.

As to GUI/ Web/ etc. - I think it depends on what you want to do. However,
you will need the basics before then.

You don't say what your background is, but if you've done some programming
before then the basics should be pretty quick.

Once you've done the basics, some more "intermediate" level stuff is
useful. Personally, I find reading source code useful (there is a tonne on
the PPI). There are some other resources listed here:


Post by Cary Developer
I am looking for help on getting started with Python. This link says it
Any help (and response to the CL post) would be truly appreciated. Thanks.
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Mark Lawrence
2015-07-06 22:30:30 UTC
Post by Matt Williams
Personally I would start with Python 2.7, and start with simple scripts.
I think it makes much more sense to learn Python 3 and if you need code
to run on both 2 and 3 take the advice here

By the way, please don't top post here, in can get irritating trying to
follow long threads, thanks.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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