Sashen Singh
2015-10-19 18:23:27 UTC
I have an array of chi square values for different values of redshift
between 0 and 3. I know that the min-chi square value refers to the maximum
likelihood. I need to plot a probability density function using the chi
square values. I'm expecting a peak at the min-chi square. I'm having a lot
of difficulty approaching this problem. Could you help me in trying to plot
Thank you
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I have an array of chi square values for different values of redshift
between 0 and 3. I know that the min-chi square value refers to the maximum
likelihood. I need to plot a probability density function using the chi
square values. I'm expecting a peak at the min-chi square. I'm having a lot
of difficulty approaching this problem. Could you help me in trying to plot
Thank you
Tutor maillist - ***
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