[Tutor] Problem in packages
megha garg
2015-07-01 06:11:22 UTC
Python version 2.7.10.
I have problem in installing .whl format packages.
what version of setuptools is required for .whl format packages.
I have installed Setuptools version 0.6.0 and upgraded pip to 7.0.3.
wndows 7 powershell 1.
I tried installing setuptools 18.0 but it is also in .whl format.
and installing wheel requires greater than 0.8 versions.
so how can i install setuptools and wheel to install .whl format packages.
please reply as soon as possible.
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Oscar Benjamin
2015-07-01 12:08:08 UTC
Post by megha garg
Python version 2.7.10.
I have problem in installing .whl format packages.
what version of setuptools is required for .whl format packages.
I have installed Setuptools version 0.6.0 and upgraded pip to 7.0.3.
wndows 7 powershell 1.
I tried installing setuptools 18.0 but it is also in .whl format.
and installing wheel requires greater than 0.8 versions.
so how can i install setuptools and wheel to install .whl format packages.
please reply as soon as possible.
If you have pip can you run pip from the command line? If so you
should be able to update setuptools with:

pip install -U setuptools

It's hard to provide better help without more information:

What operating system are you using (Windows?).

How did you install Python or which Python distribution did you
install? (Can you a post a link to where you got it from?)

Did you install for all users or just you?

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Flynn, Stephen (L & P - IT)
2015-07-01 11:54:23 UTC
Post by megha garg
Python version 2.7.10.
I have problem in installing .whl format packages.
what version of setuptools is required for .whl format packages.
I have installed Setuptools version 0.6.0 and upgraded pip to 7.0.3.
wndows 7 powershell 1.
I tried installing setuptools 18.0 but it is also in .whl format.
and installing wheel requires greater than 0.8 versions.
so how can i install setuptools and wheel to install .whl format packages.
please reply as soon as possible.

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Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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