Post by Alex KleiderPost by Cameron Simpsonautoindent: start the next line's text on the same indent as this one
expandtab: write spaces instead of a TAB character
shiftwidth: how far the < and > shift-text operations move
tabstop: the multiple used to tabstops - every 4 columns for me
set autoindent
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set textwidth=72
set scrolljump=2
set scrolloff=2
I'll add
set tabstop=4
Post by Cameron SimpsonHappy to post my other settings should anyone care.
... and yes, I for one certainly do "care."
I'd very much like to see your other settings.
Ok. Here are my other vi settings which I think useful (it seems I have plenty
which aren't). Vim specific settings follow after that.
set autowrite
Automatically save the file when switching to another. Saves tedious :w and
also worrying about whether I should, not to mention all those "file
modified" warnings.
set ignorecase
Saves fiddling with shift keys.
set nowrapscan
Searches do not resume from the top of the file if nothing found below the
current position. I used to have this on, but now consider this more
set optimize
set redraw
I forget, probably dates from editing over a 300baud modem.
set report=1
Threshold for reporting changed lines.
set showmatch
Highlight matching open/close bracket. Handy for nested stuff. And C code.
set noterse
Longer warnings and other messages.
set writeany
Trust me, I'm a doctor. (I'm not.)
map! \c ***
map! \C Cameron Simpson <\c>
Insert mode macros to recite my email, short and long.
I've got matching ones for my partner's email, very often CCed or
map! :stop
Suspend the editor, just as with ^Z in the shell.
map! a
Redraw the screen then resume inserting.
map! I
map! i
map! A
map! lli
Emacs mode motion: start of line, left, end of line, right, resume insert
map # :n #
Edit the previous file. Very very handy.
map g Gz.
Go to line and position it in the centre of the screen.
map q ZZ
Save and quit.
map t :ta
Commence "go to tag".
map Y y$
Yank to end of line.
map 1G}-:.r!exec </dev/tty 2>/dev/tty; readline -B 'Attach: '
My uber-convenient "attach file" macro. In mutt (my mailer) an "Attach:"
header gets turned into a real attachment. So this macro runs a bit of
shell to issue the prompt "Attach: " and accept the filename you typ, _with
filename completion!_. And inserts that as an Attach: header. When I leave
the editor, mutt adds the file to the attachments for this message.
set bg=dark
My terminals have a dark background.
syntax reset
syntax on
I like my syntax highlighting.
set wildmenu wildmode=list:longest
Make vim's filename completion act more like zsh's, which I find far more
ergonomic than bash's. Essentially: complete as much as you can and
_immediately_ show me the remainder without an extra TAB keystroke.
set ignorecase
set smartcase
Case insensitive searches unless there is an uppercase letter in the search
set incsearch
Show the first match in the file as you type the search regexp.
set backupcopy=yes
I prefer to overwrite the original file instead of making a new one and
cutting it in with rename(). The former edits the file I intended to edit.
The latter breaks hardlinks and has to do silly hoop jumping with symlinks.
Gah! Do what I say, not what you think I want!
set noswapfile
set swapsync=
Vim's fetish for .swp files drives me mad, especially if one loses remote
sessions regularly or terminal emulators die or one coworks with others in
the same directories or simply closes one's laptop one a whim or moves
around. I save files very regularly anyway, so I pretty much never lose a
significant edit.
set nofsync
Trust the filesystem, the filesystem is your friend. Once I've handed the
file to the OS (i.e. written it) I do not want to shout at the OS: not get
that onto the disc, now! Especially when fsync() means sync(0 on many
filesystems i.e. write _all_ pending disc I/O before returning, often with
a huge and visible hit to the system behaviour.
set scrolloff=2
Like you, keep some screen context.
set t_Co=256
Yes, my terminal have lots of colours.
set ttyfast
Better display instead of lower bandwidth display.
set spellfile=~/rc/vim/spellfile.utf-8.add
Additional words to augument the spelling table.
set spelllang=en_gb
British English.
set nospell
Spell checking off by default.
let g:loaded_netrw = 1
I forget. Anyone?
map <F3> :set hlsearch! nospell! <CR>
F3 turns off highlighting.
and when composing email I use:
set formatoptions=wa
This supports writing format=flowed email text. See ":help fo-table".
Cameron Simpson <***>
Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that
may never be questioned. - anonymous
Tutor maillist - ***
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