Post by Oscar BenjaminI'm just wondering what other people think about this. Should code
like make_lines below be discouraged?
yield htbegin
yield from fprint(linelist)
yield htend
Post by Oscar BenjaminThere's a fundamental contradiction between the with and yield
statements. With means "don't exit this block without running my
finalisation routine". Yield means "immediately exit this block
without doing anything (including any finalisation routines) and then
allow anything else to occur".
No, I think you have misunderstood the situation, and perhaps been
fooled by two different usages of the English word "exit".
Let me put it this way:
with open(somefile) as f:
text = f.write() # here
In the line marked "here", execution exits the current routine and
passes to the write method. Or perhaps it is better to say that
execution of the current routine pauses, because once the write method
has finished, execution will return to the current routine, or continue,
however you want to put it. Either way, there is a sense in which
execution has left the with-block and is running elsewhere.
I trust that you wouldn't argue that one should avoid calling functions
or methods inside a with-block?
In this case, there is another sense in which we have not left the
with-block, just paused it, and in a sense the call to write() occurs
"inside" the current routine. Nevertheless, at the assembly language
level, the interpreter has to remember where it is, and jump to the
write() routine, which is outside of the current routine.
Now let us continue the block:
with open(somefile) as f:
text = f.write()
yield text # here
Just like the case of transferring execution to the write() method, the
yield pauses the currently executing code (a coroutine), and transfers
execution to something else. That something else is the caller. So in
once sense, we have exited the current block, but in another sense we've
just paused it, waiting to resume, no different from the case of
transferring execution to the write() method.
In this case, the with block is not deemed to have been exited until
execution *within the coroutine* leaves the with-block. Temporarily
pausing it by yielding leaves the coroutine alive (although in a paused
state), so we haven't really exited the with-block.
Post by Oscar BenjaminUsing yield inside a with statement like this renders the with
statement pointless: either way we're really depending on __del__ to
execute the finalisation code.
No, that's not correct. __del__ may not enter into it. When you run the
generator to completion, or possibly even earlier, the with-statement
exits and the file is closed before __del__ gets a chance to run.
__del__ may not run until Python exits, but the file will be closed the
moment execution inside the generator leaves the with-statement.
def gen():
with open(somefile) as f:
yield "Ready..."
yield "Set..."
yield "Go!"
it = gen()
At this point, the generator is paused at the first yield statement, and
the file is held open, possibly indefinitely. If I never return control
to the generator, eventually the interpreter will shut down and call
__del__. But if I continue:
next(it) # file closed here
the with-block exits, the file is closed, and execution halts after the
next yield. At this point, the generator is paused, but the file object
is closed. The garbage collector cannot clean up the file (not that it
needs to!) because f is still alive. If I never return control to the
generator, then the garbage collector will never clean up the reference
to f, __del__ will never run, but it doesn't matter because the file is
already closed. But if I continue:
we get one more value from the generator, and on the final call to
next() we exit the generator and f goes out of scope and __del__ may be
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