[Tutor] Opencv
Ahmed AL-Masri
2015-09-19 10:29:31 UTC
Dear fellows,
I have a project for hand detection as the person wave his hand than give an action.
I am trying to use the current library in opencv using the haar cascade. I use the following code with the available xml data base from internet But it seems that the data base is not good enough or the code is not correct because sometimes it detect other objects as well.
do you have any idea how we can use the opencv or another library to detect the hand for different scale or how to build good xml database

Thanks a lot for your cooperation and support.Ahmed

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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D Wyatt
2015-09-25 23:30:28 UTC
Post by Ahmed AL-Masri
Dear fellows,
I have a project for
​Dear Ahmed,
Sorry, I do not have an answer for your question, but I did want to point
out that we are not all 'fellows' here :)​
Deb Wyatt in WA
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Alan Gauld
2015-09-27 19:18:15 UTC
Post by Ahmed AL-Masri
I have a project for hand detection as the person wave his hand than give an action.
I am trying to use the current library in opencv using the haar cascade.
This list is for people learning Python programming with the standard
library. opencv is a large third party set of modules for a very
specific use case.

You will find a Q&A forum on the opencv web site:


This is much more likely to be able to help than this forum.
(Although I'm always surprised by how many of these exotic
questions find an answer here!)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Danny Yoo
2015-09-28 00:04:50 UTC
Post by Alan Gauld
This list is for people learning Python programming with the standard
library. opencv is a large third party set of modules for a very
specific use case.
This is much more likely to be able to help than this forum.
(Although I'm always surprised by how many of these exotic
questions find an answer here!)
I agree with Alan; OpenCV questions are advanced enough that you need
to talk with the community that is most familiar with them. You might
also try Stack Overflow with questions tagged with the "opencv"


This is not to say that there is no one here in Tutor that can help,
but you are more likely to get a good answer from OpenCV specialists
in this situation.
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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