Post by Peter OttenPost by Alex Kleideralthough the reason
for my inquiry was more to diminish levels of indentation
than number of lines.
yield from f # before python 3.3: for line in f: yield line
Also possible, but sloppy as files are closed on garbage collection rather
lines = (line for file in files for line in open(file))
The lines generator function above relies on __del__ as well if the
loop exits from break, return or an exception in the loop body. This
happens whenever you yield or yield-from from inside a with block. The
chain of events that calls your context manager if I break from the
loop is:
1) Once the for loop discards the generator it has a zero reference count.
2) generator.__del__() called.
3) __del__() calls close()
4) close() throws GeneratorExit into the generator frame.
5) The GeneratorExit triggers the __exit__() methods of any context
managers active in the generator frame.
Try the following:
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
class cleanup():
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *args):
print("__exit__ called")__del__.
def generator_with_cm():
with cleanup():
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
g = generator_with_cm()
for x in g:
print('Deleting g')
del g
print('g is now deleted')
$ ./
Deleting g
__exit__ called
g is now deleted
A generator cannot guarantee that execution continues after a yield so
any context manager used around a yield is dependent on __del__. I
think a good rule of thumb is "don't yield from a with block".
Alex I apologise if what I've written here is confusing but really
what you started with is just fine. It is not important to fully
understand what I wrote above.
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