[Tutor] about the gui development
2015-06-13 15:03:37 UTC
Hello,i wanted to know about the gui development ,from where to began developing the apps in python ..?Which IDE is best suitable for me??
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Alan Gauld
2015-06-13 16:43:08 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.in
Hello,i wanted to know about the gui development ,
from where to began developing the apps in python
The standard GUI toolkit that comes with Python is
Tkinter, with Tix and ttk for some extra features.
There are many tutorials both online and in Python
text books on how to use Tkinter.

There are several other GUI toolkits that you
can install, such as:
- WxPython (based on the Wxwidgets toolkit)
- PyQt/Side based on the Qt toolkit
- PyGTK based on GTK
- Dabo - an app framework based on WxPython and
targeted at desktop database apps.
Post by a***@yahoo.in
..?Which IDE is best suitable for me??
That's a very personal choice. Personally I
prefer Linux/Vim, others prefer emacs.
Still other Eclipse or Netbeans.

For GUI work you might be looking fore a
drag n drop GUI builder of which there are
a few around, although I didn't find any of
them that great to be honest.
Try Glade, Boa Constructor and Dabo.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Laura Creighton
2015-06-13 17:15:12 UTC
Post by a***@yahoo.in
Hello,i wanted to know about the gui development ,from where to began developing the apps in python ..?Which IDE is best suitable for me??
What IDE to use -- if any, as some people still prefer editors --
is a very personal choice. There really is nothing to do for it but
try a few and see what you like.

Python has lots. Something to keep in mind, if you want to develop
in Python 3, and not Python 2, is that not every IDE supports Python 3.
(though most of them do.) See:

As for Gui toolkits, well, we have a page for that too.
And, again we have lots. Here, the choice is a little less personal,
but very much based on what you are used to. This, of course doesn't
help the completely new person who isn't used to anything yet.

Something to consider is where you want this code to eventually run.
If you need it to run on your phone or a tablet, then the choices are
much more limited than if you want it to run on a desktop or laptop

The final thing to consider is, do you really want to do gui programming
at all, or would you be happier developing something that runs in a browser?
If that has appeal, well, you guessed it, we have lots of browser
frameworks, as well.

One final thing -- there is nothing like having a friend who already knows
somehting you would like to learn handy when you go to learn something.
So if you have some local friendly talent, ask them what they recommend.
I think that tkinter, for instance, is easier to use than PyQt, but if you
have local PyQt experts, (and don't have tkinter experts) I would go with
PyQt witout any hesitation.

Best of luck,
Laura Creighton
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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2015-06-13 18:40:45 UTC
Interesting question - what will be the end platform.

If you really want a python solution:
Tablets. phones, desktops - Kivy (very promising)
Tablets. phones, desktops - PyQt
Desktops - wxPython, tk, Dabo (python 2.7 at the moment)

All the other GUI frameworks either have a very small following or are
dying (my opinion of course).

If you are not concerned with what language is used:
Consider all the web frameworks.
Several of the web frameworks work on the desktops, and are browser
friendly. Atom/electron (not sure about the name)
but in general web frameworks (no matter which one) is all about browsers.

Post by Laura Creighton
The final thing to consider is, do you really want to do gui programming
at all, or would you be happier developing something that runs in a browser?
If that has appeal, well, you guessed it, we have lots of browser
frameworks, as well.
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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