[Tutor] about real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition
2015-07-04 04:05:47 UTC
Hi !
I'm a rookie to programming, and just graduated from a conservatory of music last year. I'm interested in real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition, I can write a little bit SuperCollider and Django. I just buy a book called "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner" (Chinese version), and try to learn Python via it.

I have a query, Is there have a way (e.g. import some library) to synthesis sound in Python as SuperCollider? (synthesis sound via write some code in a file, and run it will hear the result immediately.)

I'm realy like Python's style, and want to learn Programming from Python. If I can learn it through synthesis sound, I will be very happy. :-) In addition, I think if I can synthesis sound via Python Code, I will have more chance to cooperate with other programer. :-)

Paul Yeh
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Alan Gauld
2015-07-04 08:04:00 UTC
On 04/07/15 05:05, Paul wrote:
> I'm interested in real-time audio synthesis and
> algorithmic composition,

There are a few options for working with audio in the standard
library - winsound, aifc,wave etc.

The PyGame package also has some audio capabilities.

And finally the Scikit project has some audio packages too.

There is a wiki page on the subject here:


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Laura Creighton
2015-07-05 00:32:40 UTC
In a message of Sat, 04 Jul 2015 12:05:47 +0800, "Paul" writes:
>Hi !
>I'm a rookie to programming, and just graduated from a conservatory of music last year. I'm interested in real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition, I can write a little bit SuperCollider and Django. I just buy a book called "Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner" (Chinese version), and try to learn Python via it.
>I have a query, Is there have a way (e.g. import some library) to synthesis sound in Python as SuperCollider? (synthesis sound via write some code in a file, and run it will hear the result immediately.)
>I'm realy like Python's style, and want to learn Programming from Python. If I can learn it through synthesis sound, I will be very happy. :-) In addition, I think if I can synthesis sound via Python Code, I will have more chance to cooperate with other programer. :-)
>Paul Yeh

There are python bindings for supercollider. I've never used them.

lists 3
and I think this is a 4th.

You can also get it through Blender.

I've done this. It works.

Best of luck, write back if you have any problems,
Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Laura Creighton
2015-07-05 05:18:46 UTC
In a message of Sun, 05 Jul 2015 12:18:34 +0800, "Zhongye" writes:
>Thanks for your helpful reply.
>I have check them, that it control SuperCollider via OSC (Open Sound Control), and it provides with a simpler API to use those libraries.
>Is that mean if I write some python scripts importing it, and the others want to use my scripts, they have to also install the SuperCollider?

That is one way to do things. The other, more complicated way is to
package your result into a binary file that contains all the things you need
--- which means that they won't have to install SuperCollider because
you already have done this for them. Packaging solutions are different
depending on what operating system you are running, so if you want your
thing to run under windows and Mac OS and Linux you will need to make
at least 3 different versions.

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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2015-07-05 04:04:42 UTC
Thank for your helpful replay, I had a rough learning route.
I think I need learn some basics via the book firstly, and try to write some code for sound using the standard library.

I have check the link you send to me, I'm interested in the PyGame package, and I found that the Audio Programming Frameworks seem not very active?
Now, I think I already start to learn Python in right route. :-)

From:Alan Gauld <***@btinternet.com>
Send Time:2015年7月4日(星期六) 16:05
To:tutor <***@python.org>
Subject:Re: [Tutor] about real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition

On 04/07/15 05:05, Paul wrote:
> I'm interested in real-time audio synthesis and
> algorithmic composition,

There are a few options for working with audio in the standard
library - winsound, aifc,wave etc.

The PyGame package also has some audio capabilities.

And finally the Scikit project has some audio packages too.

There is a wiki page on the subject here:


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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Laura Creighton
2015-07-05 10:46:22 UTC
In a message of Sun, 05 Jul 2015 12:04:42 +0800, "Zhongye" writes:
>Thank for your helpful replay, I had a rough learning route.
>I think I need learn some basics via the book firstly, and try to write some code for sound using the standard library.
>I have check the link you send to me, I'm interested in the PyGame package, and I found that the Audio Programming Frameworks seem not very active?
>Now, I think I already start to learn Python in right route. :-)

Definitely learning Python is the right first step.
Blender development is very active.


Tutor maillist - ***@python.org
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