Albert-Jan Roskam
2015-10-12 16:12:57 UTC
In Python 2 one can do silly apple-pear comparisons such as 0> "0".*) "CPython implementation detail: Objects of different types except numbers are ordered by their type names; objects of the same types that don’t support proper comparison are ordered by their address.". In Python3 this has been fixed (it raises a TypeError). Is there a way to emulate this behavior in Python 2?
Thank you!
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In Python 2 one can do silly apple-pear comparisons such as 0> "0".*) "CPython implementation detail: Objects of different types except numbers are ordered by their type names; objects of the same types that don’t support proper comparison are ordered by their address.". In Python3 this has been fixed (it raises a TypeError). Is there a way to emulate this behavior in Python 2?
Thank you!
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