I wanted to develop any application for my college project using python.
OK, That is easy enough, what kind of application do you have in mind?
An office tool? A game? A web site? There are lots of possibilities.
I have the basic of the language and wanted to develop any
real time software or application .
Real Time software is extremely hard to write well in any language.
And genuine real-time is almost impossible in Python (and most
other interpreted languages). Pseudo Real-Time is perhaps do-able.
What do you mean by real-time? Do you have an example?
Controlling some hardware for example? (How fast does the
hardware respond - seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, less?)
Then we can decide whether Python is even worth considering.
(Even if it isn't suitable for the real-time bits it may be fine
for other parts of the application such as the user interface)
Or maybe you are using real-time to mean something different
to that? In which case the opportunities may be greater. For
example if you just mean something that responds to user
commands while the user waits (like a word processor say)
then its a very different story.
I am not getting any help or idea you know i am just getting
a little unsure java is popular and my college classmates
are using java.
I normally wouldn't consider Java good for real real-time
either, but it is way better than Python for that. But there
are many other options too.
Can you fill us in a bit more on your background - other programming
skills? project ideas? OS and hardware you are using? timescale
available? Budget, if applicable. Anything of that sort will help.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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